LJ Social Blog


reflecting on one year of connection

entrepreneurship marketing Mar 19, 2024
This exact week last year, I announced our first Community Connection call.
I'll be honest, I wasn't sure anyone was going to come.
I remember watching people register for them, feeling excited that people wanted to come and connect with me, just to chat and put real live-time face to an Instagram or email name.
It was never about making money... I started doing the Community Connection calls because I know how lonely entrepreneurship can be, and while I was meeting so many incredible humans 1:1, I felt like I was keeping all of these amazing people for myself.
When I opened the doors to my community calls and the incredible humans I knew were meeting, collaborating, and becoming friends with each other... it just felt electric - like I was doing exactly what I was supposed to be in this life.
All this to say, I am so so grateful for EVERYONE who has come to a Community Connection Call over the last year. Over 100 women have joined us over the last year... which may not seem like many, but when I think about the nervousness I felt sitting behind my computer screen on that first call thinking "what if no one comes?"... I'm just so proud.
Proud of this community, and proud of myself for feeling the fear, and doing it anyway.
If you haven't been to one of our calls yet... we'd love to have you. There isn't a call this week unfortunately, but if you mark your calendar for next Tuesday at 10am EST.... and register here: you'll be sent the link 24hrs and 5 mins in advance of our call!
Truthfully, I've got BIG plans for our community, that I am excited to share more about with you over the next few weeks.
But don't worry... these calls are free, and always will be!

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