LJ Social Blog


about the last 6 weeks...

entrepreneurship marketing Apr 23, 2024
Today officially marks 6 weeks since I fell off my horse and broke my leg.
I'm not going to lie - it's been hard. I've chosen misery more days than I've chosen joy, and while I am getting my cast off in the next day or so, today only marks one milestone in this recovery.
I now have to build back up to where I was before. Build my strength back... and get back on the horse.
As a mom and entrepreneur, with a shift working husband in the last 6 weeks we've had to hire a nanny, ask for help from people we've never asked for help from, say no to things we'd normally say yes to and really rely on others in a whole new way.
There's been many lessons - all of which I will be sharing on a podcast episode next month - and many shifts for myself and my business along the way.
One of the things that continues to rear its head for me as I navigate this is that sometimes - sh*t happens.
You fall off your horse, you break your leg, your launch doesn't go to plan, that idea is a flop, someone says no, you don't make as many sales as hoped... etc. etc. etc.
But when sh*t happens, you've only got one option that makes any sense. Keep going.
Does it mean you can't choose misery, complain a lot, cry, throw tantrums and just generally be sad?
Well - I've done all of those things the last 6 weeks and I'm still moving forward.
Two things can be true at once. You can be absolutely devastated that sh*t happened, grumble your way through the entirety of it, AND choose to not let it stop you.
That's the secret sauce of life. Continuing to put one foot in front of the other - metaphorically in my current case - to get closer to your goal...even when the journey feels really long.
So I'll be here, continuing to move forward to eventually walking, running, and riding like I used to (cursing under my breath for most of it).

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