
LJ Social Blog


saying so long to Q1

entrepreneurship marketing Apr 02, 2024
The first quarter of the year has come and gone.
How are you feeling about it?
Q1 came with a lot of really exciting wins for me...and some really low lows.
But that's just it, isn't it? There is duality to this whole entrepreneurship thing... it's not ALWAYS going to be sunshine and rainbows.
Most of the wins have been overshadowed by breaking my leg mid-March. It's brought up a lot for me about how I run my business and live my life and I'll be making some big changes (stay tuned for more on that).
One thing I know for sure is this journey isn't linear - and quite frankly its more often than not a wild rollercoaster ride.
I share this with you because if Q1 wasn't all you hoped, we've still got another 3 quarters to rock it this year.
If there's something coming up for you that you need help with - feel free to reply to this email, if I can't help you - I'm happy to refer you to someone amazing.

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