
LJ Social Blog


be careful who you tell your dreams to

entrepreneurship marketing Apr 30, 2024
I heard a quote the other day that said "don't tell your dreams to someone who has already buried theirs, all they'll do is hand you a shovel and help you bury yours"
It's stuck with me since.
So much of entrepreneurship is belief. Belief in your idea, belief in yourself, belief that it's possible.
It's really easy for it to waiver. To lose sight of the goal, and to just feel so freaking overwhelmed you want to throw in the towel.
One of the ways I keep my belief strong, is surrounding myself with people who have big dreams of their own...and not telling my dreams to the people I know can't hold them.
And sometimes that looks like keeping those dreams from my family and other people close to me.
I have really big dreams, and I won't get closer to them by sharing them with people who are going to tell me those dreams are impossible, or too lofty, or just downright crazy.
I need to surround myself with people who are going to challenge me to make those dreams even bigger.
It's why I continue to join masterminds, communities, and surround myself with other likeminded people as much as possible.
It's why I continue to offer free networking calls every other Tuesday at 10am EST, so women like you have safe spaces to share their dreams and be asked the question "what if it was bigger?"
My challenge for you this week is to consider your belief in your mission, and to ask yourself whether you're surrounding yourself with people who are going to amplify or damper that belief.
If you're surrounded by folks who are boosting them up - hold onto them!
If your audit of your community is coming up short - I'd love for you to join mine. We don't have a community connection call this week, but we will next week - and I hope I'll see you there.
If you haven't registered for our calls yet - you can do so here: https://www.laura-sinclair.com/community-connection
I hope to see you there. There will be no shovels.

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